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The Tallahassee Trust for Historic Preservation

1st Wednesday of the Month | 12:00 PM 
1st Floor Growth Management Conference Room Renaissance Center
435 N Macomb St., Tallahassee,
FL 32301

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Our latest newsletter is here, packed with updates on our winter projects -

celebrating history while shaping the future.

Winter Newsletter 2024.pdf



About Us

Here at the Tallahassee Trust, we are a small non-profit with a big vision for preservation in Tallahassee. We are dedicated to the preservation of our historic and cultural resources and to providing opportunities for the community to learn about and enjoy our local history and heritage. 

Historic preservation is valuable to everyone in Tallahassee-Leon County. Preservation enhances the livability, beauty, and economic value of our community, linking us to our past and preserving our unique sense of place and history for future generations. By acting as stewards of our community, we can create an inclusive and sustainable future. We hope you will join us and support preservation in Tallahassee-Leon County.

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